Yes! We finally get to go home! What a week it has been. Saw the team this morning and the one lab they were keeping a close eye on is drastically better than just a couple days ago. They pulled the abdominal drain! I’ve never had one before and wow what a weird feeling that was. It was like my body was so relieved to have it pulled out. Like a little pressure at first. And then some more pressure. And then almost a popping feeling. The only thing I can think of to compare it to is to having a baby. All the pressure the baby is putting on all of your lady parts. And then the ring of fire right before babies head pops out. And then that feeling of release when the head makes it out. Hallelujah! Haha. Obviously today was not near as intense, as special, or as painful as having a baby, but there you have it. Haha.
So we’re just hanging out before we head to the airport. Taking it all in. Reflecting a bit.
Thank you for all the kind words, words of encouragement, and all your thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes! Our tribes are so important when we’re going through rough times and I’m so lucky to have such an amazing one.
Also, I know things could be so much worse and I am so grateful I am where I am. And even that I’ve gone through what is a lot. It’s only going to make me stronger and live life to the fullest.
“The best view comes after the hardest climb”
- Author unknown
Don’t know I’ve made my hardest climb in life, but I’ve definitely seen some amazing views. ♥️
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