Thursday, December 19, 2019

Christmas is next week!

Christmas is next week!  And nope, I’m not ready. Christmas crafts are still sprinkled throughout the house. Although, we have made progress on all of them. Still waiting for several gifts to arrive on our doorstep and have a few last minute gifts to find.  But we’re getting there and I am not stressed about it AT ALL.  Managing my time wisely and rolling with the punches. We do have my daughters teacher gifts wrapped and ready to go.  Thanks goodness, since the last day of school before break is tomorrow.  So that’s a plus. 

The kiddos are super excited to see what Santa will bring them and to be spending so much time with loved ones. 

Eating is going great. I’m feeling great overall.  It’s so much easier to stay hydrated in the colder winter months.  I feel my energy improving each and every week, which is why I keep telling myself I need to start exercising again. I have been very lazy as far as that goes.  Even just some light yoga day to day would help my body, mind and soul so much. So I’m not entirely sure why I’ve been putting it off.  I guess I’m just having trouble prioritizing it again.  K. I’m going to get through the holidays and I’m going to start again. 

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